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The Lastline Analyst API provides functionality for submitting resources for analysis and obtaining the results. Currently, it supports URLs as well as various types of executables and documents.
Executables are analyzed by running them inside a sandbox, recording the behavior of the program, and classifying the file based on the observed actions. Similarly, documents are opened in an instrumented file-editor/viewer or by analyzing any active components (such as scripts) embedded inside the documents; in either case, the behavior of the code is used for detecting if the file contains any anomalies.
Additionally, the content of a submitted file is analyzed for structural similarities with other, previously classified malware artifacts.
URLs are analyzed by visiting them with special, instrumented browsers and observing actions inside the browser or its interactions with its environment.
The latest version of this documentation can be found at, or downloaded in PDF format from .
Supported Artifacts¶
The API supports submissions of URLs and files. The maximum file size is 64 MB for the hosted Lastline infrastructure - for On-Premises deployments, the limit is configurable (up to 100MB) and defaults to 10 MB.
The following table provides an overview of the supported file types:
Lastline File Type | Lastline Mime Type | Typical Extensions | Description |
AceArchiveFile | application/x-ace | .ace | ACE archive data |
BzipArchiveFile | application/x-bzip | .bz2, .bz, .tbz, .tbz2 | bzip2 compressed data |
CabArchiveFile | application/ | .cab | Microsoft Cabinet archive data |
DiagCabArchiveFile | application/ compressed | .diagcab | Microsoft Diagnostic Cabinet archive data |
OneNotePkgCabArchiveFile | application/ compressed | .onepkg | Microsoft OneNote Package |
DmgArchiveFile | application/x-apple-diskimage | .smi, .dmg | Apple disk image |
Rfc2822EmailArchiveFile | data/email-rfc2822 | .eml | RFC2822-formatted Email file |
GzipArchiveFile | application/x-gzip | .tgz, .gz | gzip compressed data |
JarArchiveFile | application/java-archive | .jar | Java JAR archive |
WebappJarArchiveFile | application/war-archive | .war | Java Webapp archive |
LhaArchiveFile | application/x-lha | .lzh, .lha | LHa archive data |
LzmaArchiveFile | application/x-lzma | .lzma | LZMA compressed data |
NugetArchiveFile | application/x-nuget | .nupkg | NuGet package archive |
UDFISOArchiveFile | application/x-udf-image | .iso, .udf | UDF filesystem data |
ISO9660ISOArchiveFile | application/x-iso9660-image | .iso | ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data |
RarArchiveFile | application/x-rar | .rar | RAR archive data |
Rar5ArchiveFile | application/x-rar5 | .rar | RAR archive data, version 5 |
TarArchiveFile | application/tar | .tar | POSIX tar archive data |
DocumentLLAppBundleTarArchiveFile | application/llappbundle-document | .tar, .llappbundle, .llapp | Lastline Application Bundle Document Type |
WindowsExecutableLLAppBundleTarArchiveFile | application/llappbundle-windows- executable | .tar, .llappbundle, .llapp | Lastline Application Bundle Windows Executable Type |
WebReplayLLAppBundleTarArchiveFile | application/llappbundle-web-replay | .tar, .llappbundle, .llapp | Lastline Application Bundle Web Replay Type |
TnefArchiveFile | application/ | .dat | Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format |
XarArchiveFile | application/x-xar | .pkg, .xar | XAR archive data |
XzArchiveFile | application/x-xz | .xz, .txz | XZ compressed data |
ZipArchiveFile | application/zip | .zip | Zip archive data |
SevenZipArchiveFile | application/x-7z-compressed | .7z | 7-zip archive data |
MicrosoftSettingContentDataFile * | text/ms-settingcontent | .settingcontent-ms | Microsoft Content-Settings data file |
CsvDataFile | data/csv | .csv | CSV Data |
InternetInquiryDataFile * | text/x-ms-iqy | .iqy | Internet Inquiry data file |
SymbolicLinkDataFile | data/symbolic-link | .slk, .sylk | Symbolic Link data file |
PcapDataFile | application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap | .pcap, .pcapng | tcpdump capture file |
WordHangulCdfDocFile | application/hangul-word | .hwp | Hangul Word Processor document |
ChmDocFile | application/x-chm | .chm | Microsoft Windows HtmlHelp data |
HangulDocFile * | application/x-hwp | .hwp | Hangul HWP3/HWP2000 document |
ExcelMsMimeDocFile | application/msoffice-mime-xls | .xls | Microsoft Excel document in MHTML format |
PowerpointMsMimeDocFile | application/msoffice-mime-ppt | .ppt | Microsoft Powerpoint document in MHTML format |
WordMsMimeDocFile | application/msoffice-mime-doc | .doc | Microsoft Word document in MHTML format |
ExcelMsDocFile | application/msoffice-xls | .xls | Microsoft Office Excel document |
TemplateExcelMsDocFile | application/msoffice-xlt | .xlt | Microsoft Office Excel template document |
ExcelEncryptedKnownMsDocFile | application/msoffice-xls-encrypted | .xlsx, .xls | Microsoft Office Excel document (with password) |
MacroExcelEncryptedKnownMsDocFile | application/msoffice-xlam-encrypted | .xlam | Microsoft Office Excel document (with password), with macros |
PowerpointEncryptedKnownMsDocFile | application/msoffice-ppt-encrypted | .pptx, .ppt | Microsoft Office Powerpoint document (with password) |
WordEncryptedKnownMsDocFile | application/msoffice-doc-encrypted | .docx, .doc | Microsoft Office Word document (with password) |
PowerpointMsDocFile | application/msoffice-ppt | .pps, .ppt | Microsoft Office Powerpoint document |
TemplatePowerpointMsDocFile | application/msoffice-pot | .pot | Microsoft Office Powerpoint template document |
WordMsDocFile | application/msoffice-doc | .doc | Microsoft Office Word document |
PublisherWordMsDocFile | application/msoffice-publisher | .pub | Microsoft Publisher document |
TemplateWordMsDocFile | application/msoffice-dot | .dot | Microsoft Office Word document template |
OoDocFile | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument | .otp, .odp, .ods, .otg, .odt, .odg, .ott | Open/LibreOffice document |
PdfDocFile | application/pdf | PDF document | |
WordPerfectDocFile | application/wordperfect | .wpd | WordPerfect document |
RtfDocFile | text/rtf | .rtf | RTF document |
SwfDocFile | application/x-shockwave-flash | .swf | Macromedia Flash data |
ExcelXmlDocFile | application/x-spreadsheetml | .xml | XML-based Microsoft Office Excel document, pre-Office2007 |
PowerpointXmlDocFile | application/x-presentationml | .xml | XML-based Microsoft Office Powerpoint presentation, pre-Office2007 |
WordXmlDocFile | application/x-wordprocessingml | .xml | XML-based Microsoft Office Word document, pre-Office2007 |
XdpXmlDocFile | application/vnd.adobe.xdp+xml | .xdp | Adobe XDP document |
XslXmlDocFile | text/xsl | .xsl | eXtensible Stylesheet Language for XML file |
ExcelMsDocxFile | application/msoffice-xlsx | .xlsx | Microsoft Office Excel document, Office Open XML format |
MacroExcelMsDocxFile | application/msoffice-xlsm | .xlsm | Microsoft Office Excel document, Office Open XML format, with macros |
BinaryMacroExcelMsDocxFile | application/msoffice-xlsb | .xlsb | Microsoft Office Excel document, Office Open XML format, with macros and binary storage |
TemplateExcelMsDocxFile | application/msoffice-xltx | .xltx | Microsoft Office Excel template document, Office Open XML format |
MacroTemplateExcelMsDocxFile | application/msoffice-xltm | .xltm | Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet template, Office Open XML format, with macros |
PowerpointMsDocxFile | application/msoffice-pptx | .pptx, .ppsx | Microsoft Office Powerpoint document, Office Open XML format |
MacroAddInPowerpointMsDocxFile | application/msoffice-ppam | .ppam | Microsoft Office Powerpoint AddIn document, Office Open XML format, with macros |
MacroPowerpointMsDocxFile | application/msoffice-pptm | .pptm | Microsoft Office Powerpoint document, Office Open XML format, with macros |
SlideshowPowerpointMsDocxFile | application/msoffice-ppsx | .ppsx | Microsoft Office Powerpoint Slideshow, Office Open XML format |
MacroSlideshowPowerpointMsDocxFile | application/msoffice-ppsm | .ppsm | Microsoft Office Powerpoint Slideshow, Office Open XML format, with macros |
TemplatePowerpointMsDocxFile | application/msoffice-potx | .potx | Microsoft Office Powerpoint template document, Office Open XML format |
MacroTemplatePowerpointMsDocxFile | application/msoffice-potm | .potm | Microsoft Office Powerpoint presentation template, Office Open XML format, with macros |
WordMsDocxFile | application/msoffice-docx | .docx | Microsoft Office Word document, Office Open XML format |
MacroWordMsDocxFile | application/msoffice-docm | .docm | Microsoft Office Word document, Office Open XML format, with macros |
TemplateWordMsDocxFile | application/msoffice-dotx | .dotx | Microsoft Office Word template document, Office Open XML format |
MacroTemplateWordMsDocxFile | application/msoffice-dotm | .dotm | Microsoft Office Word document template, Office Open XML format, with macros |
MsXpsMsDocxFile | application/ | .xps | Microsoft XPS document |
OpenXpsMsDocxFile | application/oxps | .oxps | OpenXPS document |
JavaClassExeFile * | application/x-java-class | .class | compiled Java class data |
ComExeFile | application/x-com | .com | COM executable for DOS |
EicarComExeFile | application/x-eicar | .com | EICAR test virus |
DosExeFile | application/x-dosexec | .exe | MS-DOS executable |
ElfExeFile | application/x-elf | .elf | ELF executable |
MsInstallerExeFile * | application/x-msi | .msi | Microsoft Installer file |
LnkExeFile | application/x-ms-shortcut | .url, .lnk | Microsoft Windows shortcut |
MachOExeFile | application/x-mach-o-binary | .o, .bundle, .dylib | Mach-O executable |
BundleMachOExeFile | application/x-mach-o-binary-bundle | .bundle | Mach-O executable bundle |
ExecutableMachOExeFile | application/x-mach-o-binary- executable | .o | Mach-O executable program |
LibraryMachOExeFile | application/x-mach-o-binary-library | .o, .dylib | Mach-O executable library |
PeExeFile | application/x-pe | .cpl, .cmd, .pif, .scr, .com, .bat, .exe | PE executable |
RarSfxPeExeFile | application/x-rar-sfx-pe | .exe | RAR SFX PE executable |
ZipSfxPeExeFile | application/x-zip-sfx-pe | .exe | Zip SFX PE executable |
SevenZipSfxPeExeFile | application/x-7zip-sfx-pe | .exe | 7zip SFX PE executable |
LastlineTestPeExeFile | application/x-lastline-test | .dll, .sys, .exe | Lastline PE test file |
MachOFatUniversalExeFile | application/x-mach-o-fat-binary | .o, .bundle, .dylib | Mach-O fat file |
TiffImageFile | image/tiff | .tif, .tiff | TIFF image data |
SvgXmlImageFile * | image/svg | .svg | SVG image data |
AmsiJavascriptLogFile | text/javascript-amsi-log | .amsi_js | JavaScript amsi COM log |
AmsiVBSLogFile | text/vbscript-amsi-log | .amsi_vbs | VBScript amsi COM log |
OneNoteFile | application/onenote | .one | OneNote Document |
HTAScriptFile | text/hta | .hta | HTA Script File text |
VBAVisualBasicScriptFile | text/vba | .vba | Visual Basic for Applications text |
VBSVisualBasicScriptFile | text/vbscript | .vbs | VBScript text |
AmsiVBSVisualBasicScriptFile | text/vbscript-amsi | .amsi_vbs | VBScript amsi text |
EncodedVBSVisualBasicScriptFile | application/encodedvbscript | .vbe | VBScript encoded script |
BatchScriptFile | text/x-msdos-batch | .cmd, .bat | Batch script text |
JavascriptScriptFile | application/javascript | .js | JavaScript text |
AmsiJavascriptScriptFile | text/javascript-amsi | .amsi_js | JavaScript amsi text |
EncodedJavascriptScriptFile | application/encodedjscript | .jse | JScript encoded script |
PerlScriptFile | text/x-perl | .pm, .pl | Perl script text |
PowershellScriptFile | text/x-powershell | .psd1, .ps1, .psm1 | PowerShell text |
AmsiPowershellScriptFile | text/x-powershell-amsi | .amsi_ps1 | PowerShell amsi text |
PythonScriptFile | text/x-python | .py | Python script text |
RubyScriptFile | text/x-ruby | .rb | Ruby script text |
ShellScriptFile | text/x-shellscript | .sh, .command | Shell script text |
WindowsScriptFile | text/x-wsf | .wsf | Windows Script File text |
InternetShortcutFile | text/x-internetshortcut | .url, .website | Internet Shortcut file |
HtmlTextFile | text/html | .html, .htm | HTML document |
These file types are only supported if the Windows sandbox is configured for the
requesting license.
NOTE: In some cases, the Lastline mime types shown in the above list
represent a unified, generalized version of standard mime types. This allows
mapping different, semantically equivalent types into a single type.
The API supports the most common container formats. When submitting an
container (archive or ISO, for example) file, the API will automatically attempt to
extract and analyze the contained files. More precisely, the API will create
a child analysis (for details, see Child Tasks) for files extracted from
the container that have a supported file type.
Additionally, for multi-file containers containing executables (such as programs
or scripts) that should be analyzed as whole, the API attempts to generate
program bundles (see Handling of Containers).
For encrypted containers (such as encrypted archives), submit_file()
allows you to specify a
decryption password or list of potential passwords - if none is specified, the API attempts
decryption using common industry-standard passwords (such as “infected”).
The API supports the following container types:
Lastline File Type | Lastline Mime Type | Typical Extensions | Description |
AceArchiveFile | application/x-ace | .ace | ACE archive data |
BzipArchiveFile | application/x-bzip | .bz2, .bz, .tbz, .tbz2 | bzip2 compressed data |
CabArchiveFile | application/ | .cab | Microsoft Cabinet archive data |
DiagCabArchiveFile | application/ compressed | .diagcab | Microsoft Diagnostic Cabinet archive data |
OneNotePkgCabArchiveFile | application/ compressed | .onepkg | Microsoft OneNote Package |
GzipArchiveFile | application/x-gzip | .tgz, .gz | gzip compressed data |
LhaArchiveFile | application/x-lha | .lzh, .lha | LHa archive data |
LzmaArchiveFile | application/x-lzma | .lzma | LZMA compressed data |
NugetArchiveFile | application/x-nuget | .nupkg | NuGet package archive |
UDFISOArchiveFile | application/x-udf-image | .iso, .udf | UDF filesystem data |
ISO9660ISOArchiveFile | application/x-iso9660-image | .iso | ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data |
RarArchiveFile | application/x-rar | .rar | RAR archive data |
Rar5ArchiveFile | application/x-rar5 | .rar | RAR archive data, version 5 |
TarArchiveFile | application/tar | .tar | POSIX tar archive data |
XzArchiveFile | application/x-xz | .xz, .txz | XZ compressed data |
ZipArchiveFile | application/zip | .zip | Zip archive data |
SevenZipArchiveFile | application/x-7z-compressed | .7z | 7-zip archive data |
RarSfxPeExeFile | application/x-rar-sfx-pe | .exe | RAR SFX PE executable |
ZipSfxPeExeFile | application/x-zip-sfx-pe | .exe | Zip SFX PE executable |
SevenZipSfxPeExeFile | application/x-7zip-sfx-pe | .exe | 7zip SFX PE executable |
NOTE: In some cases, the Lastline mime types shown in the above list represent a unified, generalized version of standard mime types. This allows mapping different, semantically equivalent types into a single type.
Getting Started¶
The Analyst API is a web-based API. To get started using it, you will need to request an API key and API token from Lastline. These will act as your credentials for accessing the API.
For clients accessing the API hosted in a Lastline datacenter, the API is reachable at
. For clients using an On-Premises deployment, the API is
reachable using the URL https://log.<fqdn>/analysis
on Lastline Enterprise Manager or
Pinbox appliances, and the URL https://<fqdn>/analysis
for Lastline Analyst appliances.
In addition to the full API Reference, this documentation also provides two Sample API Clients for accessing this API. These are written in Python. One of them is also available as a self-contained Microsoft Windows executable.
API Concepts¶
The Lastline Analyst API is an asynchronous API, in the sense that, when a resource (a file or a URL) is submitted for analysis, the analysis results are typically not returned immediately in the response. Instead, a unique identifier (UUID) for the submitted analysis task is returned. This UUID can later be used in a separate request to get the analysis results for this task.
The reason for this approach is that analyzing a resource can take some time. For instance, analyzing an executable requires running it for several minutes in an analysis sandbox.
However, in some cases the submitted resource may have been already analyzed by the analysis platform. In these cases, the API is able to immediately return an analysis result.
The expected usage of this API is to follow these steps:
- Call
several times to submit a number of artifacts, and store the returned task UUIDs.- Call
to get the UUIDs of tasks completed since the last timeget_completed()
was called.- Call
on returned UUIDs to obtain results.- Repeat steps 2 and 3 until results are available for all UUIDs.
Using the get_completed()
function avoids polling for results for each
submission individually by repeatedly calling the get_result()
until results are available, which is very inefficient and may be enforced by
the API: if a client makes too many calls to get_result()
on incomplete
tasks, it may be blocked from making further calls due to violations of this
Note that the submit_file()
and submit_url()
may immediately return an analysis result, in which case the call to
is not necessary (the UUID will still be returned
by get_completed()
If a client does not require the detailed analysis results at time of the
submission, specify the full_report_score parameter.
Further, the API allows submitting a file by-hash if the file is already
available in the analysis system, avoiding an unnecessary upload of the
file-content; see submit_file()
for details.
Handling of Containers¶
The API analyzes submissions of archives or other containers by treating these types of files as closely as possible to how a real user would: the system tries to understand how a real victim would behave when receiving the file.
For example, when the system finds a document inside an archive, this document is sent for deeper analysis “by itself”, as documents typically are self-contained elements.
A different example is when the API handles archives with multiple programs, or when a program is shipped with additional files (such as configuration files or program libraries). In this case, it is often not meaningful to analyze each program individually, as one would expect the first program to call the other, read the configuration file embedded in the archive, or load the program library. Thus, the program would most likely fail to run successfully if analyzed “by itself” (otherwise one would not expect these files to be distributed together in the same archive).
Thus, the API may analyze this type of container containing multiple files via program bundles: all files in the container are copied into the analysis system, and metadata embedded in the bundle describes how to launch these files. If more than one program is found and the system cannot identify which program to launch as “main” subject of the analysis, multiple bundle analysis runs are triggered.
For details on program bundles, see Application Bundle Module.
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