Sensor on Azure Deployment and Administration

This document describes the deployment and administration of the Sensor in the Azure environment.

About the Sensor

The Sensor examines your network traffic in order to identify a variety of network events that can be of interest to the VMware NSX Network Detection and Response. This ranges from file transfers (for example, executables, documents, or email messages) to suspicious network interactions, to metadata on network activities observed in the environment (for example, netflow, pdns, or webrequests). All this information is extracted by the Sensor and streamed to the VMware backend that processes and presents the data to the user.

The Sensor is available as a software ISO that you install on your own hardware or in a VMware ESXi VM, as an Amazon Machine Image (AMI), or as an Azure VM.

Network Connectivity

The installation and update services need to connect to external servers for downloading software and data bundles (such as sandbox images). All hosts that are contacted for such downloads are listed in this section.

To increase the availability and reduce download times, the system can be configured to download large files from content distribution network (CDN) servers. As such hosts are geographically distributed, the contacted hosts may vary from system to system, and hosts outside the documented list may be contacted for downloads.

The use of CDNs is enabled by default. You can also explicitly enable or disable this feature with the lastline_register command (see Register the Sensor, 11).

If you explicitly enable the use of CDNs or choose to accept the default, ensure that you adjust your firewall rules to allow access to the CDN servers.

Domain Names

For a hosted installation using the NSX Cloud, the server hosting the Sensor needs to be able to connect to:

You can add FQDNs such as the CDN domain for Google. For further details and information about VMware NSX Network Detection and Response CDN operation, see VMware Knowledge Base article NSX Lastline CDN Usage (900006).

Expected IP Addresses

The domain names above may resolve to any IP addresses within the following ranges:






Deploy the Sensor

The following topics describe how to deploy the Sensor on Microsoft Azure and then register it with the VMware backend including the User Portal.

Deploy the Sensor VM

Before you can deploy the Sensor on Microsoft Azure, you need the following items:

  • A Microsoft Azure user account.

  • Access to the Microsoft Azure Web management portal.

  • A valid VMware license for use with the Sensor image.

  • To use the Microsoft command line tools to manage your Azure deployment, you must install the Azure Command Line Interface (CLI) Tool package (for macOS and Linux), or Windows Azure PowerShell (for Microsoft Windows). Refer to the Azure CLI Tool documentation.


If you want to use the Sensor to provide Email Protection, be aware that Azure automatically blocks outbound SMTP traffic on port 25. See the following Microsoft troubleshooting document for details.

Microsoft may automatically block the public IP address of the Sensor after it detects what they consider to be an unusual MTA. To remove your Sensor from the list of blocked IP addresses, visit the Office 365 Anti-Spam IP Delist Portal.

Deploy a Sensor instance based on the official VMware NSX Network Detection and Response VM in the Azure Marketplace. Configure the Sensor instance for the Azure environment.

  1. Select the VM
  2. Configure basic settings

    On the Basics page, select the following:

    • Define the Project details.

      Select the Azure Subscription type you plan to use to deploy the Sensor.

      Create a new Resource group. Alternatively select an empty existing resource group. The resource group will hold all the deployment resources associated with the Sensor.

    • Define the Instance details.

      Provide the Virtual machine name. By default this name is used as the Azure resource identifier as well as the hostname of the VM. Once created, the resource identifier cannot be changed. You can change the hostname later.

      Select the Azure Region.

      Optionally select Availability options.

      Select the Image. By default, the Sensor image is selected.

      Select the Azure virtual machine Size. VMware recommends Azure VM Standard_F16 or higher.

    • Define the Administrator account.

      Enter the Username of the administrator of the Sensor virtual machine. The only acceptable entry is lastline.

      In the Authentication type, select SSH public key. Provide an SSH public key. You must not use a password for the Sensor administrator account. During registration of the appliance, password authentication is disabled.

  3. Configure disks

    You can accept the default Disk options and continue to the next step.

  4. Configure networking
    • Configure the Network interface. You can accept the defaults or modify the following:

      Create a Virtual network. The default is to use the VM name you provided with "vnet" appended (for example, vmname-vnet).

      Configure the Subnet. The default is a /24 range in same address block as the Virtual network.

      A default NIC network security group is provided that opens port 22.

      Configure network security group by accepting the default or click the Create new link to create additional rules.

      Enable Accelerated networking.

    • Optionally, configure Load balancing. You must have previously configured an Azure load balancing solution.

  5. Configure management

    Select the management and monitoring options for your VM.

  6. Configure advanced options

    You can accept the defaults and continue to the next step.

  7. Configure tags

    Optionally provide tags to categorize the selected resources. You can accept the defaults and continue to the next step.

  8. Launch the Sensor instance

    Review the summary. When you are satisfied, click Create to launch the Sensor.

Registration and Configuration

To register and apply the software configuration to the Sensor, you must login to the server console.

Register the Sensor

  1. SSH to the Sensor instance

    Login to the Sensor using the default user account, lastline. Password authentication is disabled for this user, only key-based authentication is possible using the public key that you provided during initial deployment of the virtual machine.

    yourhost$ ssh lastline@ip_address

    Obtain the ip_address from your Azure home page.

  2. Start the configuration and registration process

    Execute the lastline_register command, which will start the guided configuration and registration process.

    lastline@lastline-sensor:~$ lastline_register

    The lastline_register command first validates the server. If its hardware is not sufficient to run the Sensor, the command terminates with an error message. Should this occur, contact VMware Support for further guidance.

  3. Select the primary network interface and network address

    The registration process prompts you to select the "Primary network interface". It presents a list of interfaces discovered during the validation process. Select the interface that is used by the server to communicate with the other hosts on the network.

    Then you are prompted to select how the server will obtain its network address. Your choice is "Obtain via DHCP" or "Enter static address". You must select "Obtain via DHCP".

    To continue, select <Ok> or press Enter.

  4. Optional: Configure an HTTP proxy

    The newly installed Sensor must have access to the NSX Cloud servers or the local Manager.

    Configure an HTTP proxy if it is required to access the Internet via HTTPS. Enter the address of the proxy server. This address can be a FQDN or an IP address. Specify the port for the proxy server. Examples of valid proxy configurations:

    Otherwise if no proxy configuration is required, leave this field empty.

    To continue, select <Ok> or press Enter.

  5. Select the traffic capture interface

    The Sensor requires at least one interface to use to monitor network traffic for malicious activity. In the Azure deployment, the main interface is also used as the traffic capture interface.

    To continue, select <Ok> or press Enter.

  6. Select the reset interface

    Select a network interface to be used for injection of network reset packets. This interface must be able to communicate with the other hosts of the monitored network.

    To continue, select <Ok> or press Enter.

    The network configuration is applied to the Sensor.

  7. Select the VMware backend

    The registration process prompts you to select the "Manager Backend". Your choice is "Use Lastline cloud" or "Use On-Premises Manager".

    Unless this installation is part of an On-Premises deployment, select "Use Lastline cloud". Then select <Ok> or press Enter.

  8. Configure an NTP server

    The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is used to set the correct time for the Sensor. Enter the address of the NTP server. This address can be a FQDN or an IP address.


    The selected NTP server must be reachable over UDP port 123. Unless you must use a specific NTP server, use the default value,

    To continue, select <Ok> or press Enter.

    The network configuration is tested to check for connectivity to the NTP server and VMware backend. This test may take a while.

  9. Define the CDN rules

    The registration process prompts you to define the CDN rules for your installation. Select one of the following:

    • Explicitly enable the CDN servers. This is the default behavior.

    • Explicitly disable the CDN servers.

    To continue, select <Ok> or press Enter.

  10. Enter your VMware username and password

    As the first stage to applying your license to the Sensor you are prompted for your VMware username. Enter your username and then select <Ok> or press Enter.


    This is your User Portal username.

    Enter your VMware password and then select <Ok> or press Enter.

  11. Select the correct license

    If the credentials you provided are valid, the registration process displays a list of the available license keys. Use the UP and DOWN keys to select the correct license.


    If there are no valid licenses associated with your credentials or your list of license keys is not retrieved correctly, contact VMware Support. Provide the error message the registration process displayed in your request.

    The Sensor license consists of a Sensor key, which is a string you create, concatenated to your VMware generated customer License key (for example, ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789:sensor-1). This license structure allows the On-Premises Manager or the VMware backend to quickly and correctly identify the Sensor when it connects.

    You need a Sensor license for each Sensor you deploy. The usual process to create another license is to use the User Portal (navigate to the Admin Licensing page and select the Sensors tab).

    Another option is to create a new Sensor license immediately at this step. Select Create a new sensor key:

    1. Select customer license key

      If you have more than one License key, you are prompted to select the License key under which you want to create the Sensor license. Use the UP and DOWN keys to make your selection.

      To continue, select <Ok> or press Enter.

      Otherwise your customer License key is displayed and the registration process asks if you want to use it. Select <Yes> to use that license and continue.

      If you select <No>, you will have to provide another username.

    2. Create a sensor key

      Enter a Sensor key. The sensor key is restricted to alpha-numeric characters, dot (.), and dash (-).

      To continue, select <Ok> or press Enter.

    3. Optional: Provide a sensor name

      Enter a Sensor name. This user-friendly name is displayed on some of the screens of the User Portal.

      The name is restricted to alpha-numeric characters and the following special characters; (, ), [, ], -, :, ., ,, ;, _, @, ~, /, #, %, !, |, $, and ^. The name should be between 1 and 64 characters in length.

      To continue, select <Ok> or press Enter.

    The registration process displays a prompt: "Registration completed successfully".

    To continue, select <Ok> or press Enter.

The registration process runs some tests to check hardware compatibility. The configuration is then applied to the machine. This process may take a while (20-40 minutes) depending on your network connectivity and system characteristics.

After the completed prompt is displayed, select <Ok> or press Enter to exit from the registration process.


If the Sensor needs to be replaced or reinstalled, the existing appliance needs to be deregistered first before your new registration will succeed.

  1. Login to the Web UI

    Using your Web browser, login to the User Portal at (for EMEA customers

  2. Access the Appliances page

    From the Main navigation menu, click Admin. On the Admin page, select Admin from left sidebar menu. For most users, the Appliances page is displayed by default.

  3. View the appliance status

    On the Appliances page, click the Status tab.

  4. Optional: Select an appliance

    If no appliance is currently selected, click the Appliance: None Selected link. From the Select Appliance pop-up tick the box for the appliance you want to use, then click Select Appliance.

  5. Deregister the existing Sensor

    To deregister a Sensor, click the cogs (multiple actions) button and select Deregister from the drop-down menu.

  6. Register the reinstalled Sensor

    To replace or reinstall a Sensor, you must run the lastline_register command again from the server console (see Register the Sensor).

Delete the Sensor

Before you can successfully delete the Sensor from the User Portal it must be offline. This is done from the Home page.

To delete the Sensor, it needs to be offline and deregistered.

  1. Shutdown the appliance

    From the Home page, click Virtual machines. The select the Sensor instance and click the Stop button.

  2. Login to the Web UI

    Using your Web browser, login to the User Portal at (for EMEA customers

  3. Access the Appliances page

    From the Main navigation menu, click Admin. On the Admin page, select Admin from left sidebar menu. For most users, the Appliances page is displayed by default.

  4. View the appliance status

    On the Appliances page, click the Status tab.

  5. Deregister the Sensor

    Click the cogs (multiple actions) button and select Deregister from the drop-down menu.

  6. Delete the appliance

    Click the Overview tab to return to the initial view. In the appliances listing, the Status of the Sensor must be Deregistered.

    In the Actions column, click the Quick links icon and select Delete. A confirmation pop-up is displayed. Click Delete appliance to dismiss the pop-up. The Sensor is permanently deleted.

Administer the Sensor

The Sensor was developed to require as little maintenance and administration as possible.

The following topics describe how to customize and configure some of the advanced features of the Sensor.

Configuration Tool

Use the VMware NSX Network Detection and Response configuration tool, lastline_setup, to administer and manage the Sensor.

  1. Start the configuration tool

    Execute the lastline_setup command.

    lastline@lastline-sensor:~$ lastline_setup

    If you are prompted for the sudo password, use the password for the default lastline user account.

  2. Run the help option

    To view all the supported options, type help.

    -> help
    Documented commands (type help <topic>):
    EOF                      https_proxy                   ntp_server
    anonymization_password   inject_interface              ntp_servers
    appliance_state          inline_interfaces             save
    appliance_uuid           license_key                   sensor_subkey
    disable_support_channel  manager                       sentinel_subkey
    edit                     monitoring_user_password      show
    exit                     network                       sniffing_interfaces
    help                     new_monitoring_user_password

    For any option, type the first few unique characters of its name then type Tab. The lastline_setup command will auto-complete the name for you.

  3. View help details

    To view a detailed description of individual options, type help topic, where topic is the name of a specific option.

    -> help network
     network <variable> [<new-value>]
            Get/set network settings.
                network interface <iface>: interface used for network access
                network method dhcp|static: use DHCP or static IP address
                    configuration for network access
            When static configuration is used, these values must also be set:
                network address <address>: IPv4 address of the interface
                network netmask <netmask>: dotted-quad netmask for the address
                network gateway <gateway>: default gateway for network access; if
                    specified value is -, set gateway to None
                network dns_nameservers <nameserver> ...: space-separated list of
                    DNS nameservers, if specified value is -, set dns_nameservers to
  4. Exit the configuration tool

    To quit from the configuration tool without saving your changes, type exit.

    -> exit

If you encounter an error running any of the lastline_setup command options, make a note of the error message returned and contact VMware Support.

Network Configuration

You can easily change the network configuration of the Sensor. This may be needed if its assigned IP address changes (for example, upon a reconfiguration of the network).

Update Fully Qualified Domain Name

You can update the FQDN of the Sensor.

  1. Login to the console

    Login to the console.

  2. Run the registration process with the change FQDN option

    Execute the lastline_register command, providing the new local FQDN for the Sensor in its arguments.

    lastline@lastline-sensor:~$ lastline_register --change-local-fqdn

    If you are prompted for the sudo password, use the password for the default lastline user account.

Test the Sensor

Check the state of the Sensor with the lastline_test_appliance command.

  1. Start the test appliance tool

    Execute the lastline_test_appliance command.

    lastline@lastline-sensor:~$ lastline_test_appliance
    > Lastline appliance check and fix utility.
    > Version 2.0
    > :Copyright:
    >     Copyright 2014 Lastline, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

    The lastline_test_appliance command takes for a few minutes to perform its analysis of the Sensor. When it is done, it provides a summary of the conditions it uncovered, if any.

  2. Optional: Fix any reported configuration errors

    The test appliance tool checks for signs of common configuration errors and can help you with fixing them.


    Contact VMware Support if the test appliance tool displays an error that you cannot fix. Provide the error message that was displayed.

Disable Automatic Updates

VMware periodically releases appliance updates or hotfixes. By default, automatic updates are enabled on newly installed appliances. As long as the appliance has automatic updates enabled, these updates and fixes will transparently be applied to the system.

If you prefer to manually update the Sensor, follow these steps to disable automatic updates.

  1. Login to the Web UI

    Using your Web browser, login to the User Portal at (for EMEA customers

  2. Access the Appliances page

    From the Main navigation menu, click Admin. On the Admin page, select Admin from left sidebar menu. For most users, the Appliances page is displayed by default.

  3. View the appliance configuration

    On the Appliances page, click Configuration tab.

  4. Optional: Select an appliance

    If no appliance is currently selected, click the Appliance: None Selected link. From the Select Appliance pop-up tick the box for the appliance you want to use, then click Select Appliance.

  5. Access the System tab

    Click the System tab.

  6. Disable automatic updates

    Toggle the Auto Update button to Disabled.

    The appliance will no longer automatically apply updates and hotfixes when released by VMware. You must apply those manually.

Manual Updates

If you have disabled automatic updates for your appliances you must apply updates and hotfixes manually.

Follow these steps to manually update an appliance.

  1. Login to the Web UI

    Using your Web browser, login to the User Portal at (for EMEA customers

  2. Access the Appliances page

    From the Main navigation menu, click Admin. On the Admin page, select Admin from left sidebar menu. For most users, the Appliances page is displayed by default.

  3. View the appliance status

    On the Appliances page, click the Status tab.

  4. Optional: Select an appliance

    If no appliance is currently selected, click the Appliance: None Selected link. From the Select Appliance pop-up tick the box for the appliance you want to use, then click Select Appliance.

  5. Update the selected appliance

    To update an appliance, click the cogs (multiple actions) button and select Upgrade from the drop-down menu.