Lastline Analyst and Detonator On-Premises Release Notes

Version 7.13

New features

  • Improved protection against attacks in HTA or SVG file types
  • Database data retention configuration

Improved protection against attacks in HTA or SVG file types

The analysis framework now offers better support for finding attacks delivered via HTA applications or Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files.

Database data retention configuration

Customers can now configure data retention settings for the database on a Lastline Analyst appliance.

  • These configuration options can be viewed and modified in the Appliance tab of the portal, under Appliance -> Config -> Configuration.
  • Different data retention setting can be selected for different types of data in the database.
  • For each type of data, data retention can be set to keep 2 to 22 months of data, or be completely disabled.

Please note that these settings only control data retention for data within the relational database. Configuration of data retention settings of analysis-related data stored on the file system does not change with this release, and can be accessed through the lastline_setup commandline utility.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fix graph rendering issue for Internet Explorer 11

  • Fix bug in PAPI that could prevent granting the "can_access_analyzed_files" and "can_access_sensitive_analyzed_files" permissions.

  • Improved display of result statistics in search results in the intelligence tab.

  • The outcome of backup operations is now visible also in the appliance monitoring logs UI in the Appliances tab under Appliances -> Logs -> Monitoring Logs

Deprecation of API methods

No additional methods of the legacy API (/ll_api/ll_api) are being deprecated or removed in this version.

The Lastline API documentation includes a deprecation schedule for methods in the legacy API, as well as information on how to replace usage of these deprecated methods with supported methods.

Released appliance versions

As part of this release, we are making available the following versions of Lastline appliances for use with Lastline Analyst On Premise:

  • Lastline Analyst version 717
7.12 7.13.1