Lastline Enterprise On-Premises Release Notes

Version 9.1.1

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • CC-2652: Fixed a bug preventing upgrade of Lastline Engine, Pinbox, and Analyst appliances with more than 32 CPU cores.
  • PLTF-1305: Fixed an issue where mail permissions were not being respected across customer licenses.
  • SENT-2667: Improved one of the file extraction rules associated to the extraction of .img files out of sniffing sensors. The file extraction rule now works around common false positives that would cause the sensor to needlessly process large amounts of unrelated filetypes.
  • CC-2660: Fixed an error that would occur during the upgrade of appliances from old installations.
  • MALS-3152: More robust scoring of documents with anomalous, but benign, contents.

Deprecation of API Methods

No additional API methods are being deprecated or discontinued in this release.

The Lastline API documentation includes a deprecation schedule for methods in the legacy API, as well as information on how to replace usage of these deprecated methods with supported methods.

Released Appliance Versions

As part of this release, we are making available the following versions of Lastline appliances for use with Lastline Enterprise On-Premises:

  • Lastline Manager version 1081
  • Lastline Engine version 1081
  • Lastline Sensor version 1132
  • Lastline All-in-one (Pinbox) version 1081

Released Sandbox Images Versions

The sandbox images version will remain at 2019-04-18-01.

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