Portal settings widgets
The portal settings widgets are accessible at the top of most pages. These options allow you to focus the selection of data presented by the User Portal. You can select the range of time and timezone to use, licenses and the corresponding appliances, and the labeling/filtering of displayed hosts and/or IP addresses.
By selecting different appliances, you can narrow your view of information to specific parts of your network.
Select time range
The Time range setting allows you to specify the number of days of data to display in the User Portal widgets. Click the Time range: Last 7 days button to access the Time Range pop-up.
Using the and buttons on either side of the Time range: Last 7 days button, you can navigate the date selection back and forward while keeping the selected range of dates constant. For example, assuming the default time range of 7-days, clicking the button once selects a range with the end date being 7 days ago.
Time Range pop-up
In the Time Range pop-up, select Relative (the default) or Absolute from the Time range menu. In Relative mode, you select the number of days since the present date to display (the default is 7 days, the minimum is 1 day and the maximum is 31 days). In Absolute mode, you enter the From and To dates by selecting them from a calendar pop-up.
Click the
button to save your selection.View options menu
Click the Sensor: All sensors to launch the Sensor selection pop-up, Time zone: UTC to launch the Time zone pop-up, or Display settings to launch the Display settings pop-up.
button. From the pull-down menu, select one of the following:Sensor selection pop-up
In the Sensor selection pop-up, perform the following steps:
Select the relevant license in the License pull-down menu. Select All Licenses or a specific license key from the list of license keys. If the list of licenses is very long, you can use the search box to find the desired key. Choosing a license populates the Sensor menu with the sensors registered under the selected key.
Select either All sensors or a specific sensor from the pull-down menu. If configured, you can select a sensor group rather than an individual sensor.
Click the
button to save your selection.
Time zone pop-up
The menu in the Time zone pop-up allows you to set the time zone for the User Portal. All date and time data is displayed in the selected time zone.
The default time zone is UTC. Select a time zone from the pull-down menu. Start typing the name of a time zone in the search box to narrow the menu selection down.
Once you have selected the desired time zone, click the
button.Display settings pop-up
The Display settings pop-up allows you to customize the labeling of displayed hosts and IP address ranges and hiding known good hosts from view. It also allows you to view any false positive results. The Hide silenced hosts, Show host labels, and Show false positives toggles enable/disable each feature, respectively.
These options are available on Dashboard, Hosts, Events, Incidents, Files downloaded, and URLs analyzed pages.
Display host as
The Display host as pull-down menu allows you to select whether the User Portal displays hosts by Hostname or IP address in the various widgets.