Campaign details page

The campaign detail page shows all the available details for the selected campaign. This page is divided into multiple tabs:

  • Overview Provides a summary and graphical blueprint of the campaign.

  • Hosts Provides a listing of the hosts affected by the campaign.

  • Timeline Displays the events included in the campaign in chronological order.

  • History Provides a textual history of the campaign.

  • Incidents Provides a listing of the incidents that make up the campaign.

  • Mail Displays the details of any malicious mail attachments that were included in the campaign.

Across the top of the campaign detail page is the data from the selected campaign card. It displays the calculated threat score, the campaign name (Campaign ID), the latest attack stage, the number of affected hosts, the number of different threats, and the status and assignee of the campaign. Click the left arrow (back) button to return to the campaign page.

Campaign overview tab

The campaign Overview tab displays a summary of the campaign and an interactive graphical blueprint. There are two sections to this tab:

Campaign threats and hosts

The Threats and hosts section displays the Threats and Hosts widgets.

Threats widget

The Threats widget displays the current threats detected in the selected campaign. The severity of the threat is indicated by the color code: red for high, yellow for medium, and blue for low. Click the View threats details angle right to view detailed information about the campaign on the Campaign timeline tab.

Hosts widget

The Hosts widget displays the hosts that are affected by the selected campaign. The severity of the threat is indicated by the color code: red for high, yellow for medium, and blue for low. Click the View hosts details angle right to view detailed information about the hosts on the Hosts tab.

Campaign attack stages

The Attack stages widget displays the attack stages, highlighting the current campaign attack stage(s). Hover over a highlighted activity to view a pop-up with more information about the stage.

Campaign blueprint

The Campaign blueprint provides an interactive graphical representation of the campaign. It displays the hosts involved in the campaign (both internal and external to your network), the threats that affected them, and additional information that complete the campaign description.

Display of hosts, threats, and connections

This example blueprint graph shows the following activities:

Node key

The following node types can appear in the blueprint graph:


Node type


Analysis icon

Analysis report

This node type represents the results of detonating a sample (file or URL) in the VMware NSX Network Detection and Response sandbox.

  • Analysis report nodes are labeled with a shortened version of the corresponding analysis task UUID.

  • The score range of the analysis run is expressed using the color-coded badge on the top-right of the node.

Block list icon

Blocked entry

This node type represents a blocked entry (domain name or IP address).

  • Blocked entry nodes are labeled with the corresponding entry name or IP address.

Download icon

Downloaded file

This node type represents a file that was downloaded in the network.

  • Downloaded file nodes are labeled with a shortened version of the corresponding file's SHA1 hash.

Email address icon

Email address

This node type represents an email address (a sender or recipient of email messages).

  • Email address nodes are labeled with the email address.

Email message icon

Email message

This node type represents an email message.

  • Email message nodes are labeled with the ID of the corresponding email message.

Host icon


This node type represents a network device.

  • Host nodes are labeled with the IP address of the corresponding host.

  • The host node indicates whether a host is internal or external. Internal hosts display a home icon next to their IP address. The determination of whether a host is internal is based according to the home network configuration.

  • The maximum impact of incidents affecting the corresponding host is expressed using the color-coded badge on the top-right of the node.

Host name icon


This node type represents a domain name that was resolved in the network.

  • Hostname nodes are labeled with the corresponding domain name.

HTTP request icon

HTTP request

This node type represents a HTTP request.

  • HTTP request nodes are labeled with a shortened version of the requested URL.

Information icon


This node type represents a detection of an info-level activity. This node only appears in the Network analysis blueprint graph.

  • An info event is created in the presence of activities or behaviors that are not necessarily malicious but provide additional, useful information.

  • The maximum impact of events detected for the corresponding threat is expressed using the color-coded badge on the top-right of the node.

Threat icon


This node type represents a detection.

  • Threat nodes are labeled with the threat name associated with the detected event.

  • The maximum impact of events detected for the corresponding threat is expressed using the color-coded badge on the top-right of the node.

About edges

The lines that connect the nodes are called edges.

A host node is connected to threat or analysis report nodes with a dotted line to indicate that the host corresponding to the host node was exposed to the threat represented by the threat or analysis report node.

Other connections are represented with a solid line to express that some activity (for example, a network connection, a DNS look-up, a web request) put the entities corresponding to two nodes in relation.

Blueprint interaction

The blueprint graph is interactive: supporting item selection, moving nodes, and zooming in and out.

Node and edges can be selected by clicking on them: additional information about the selected item is found in the sidebar.

Hovering your mouse over a node colors the connecting edges, highlighting the interaction of that node.

Individual nodes can be dragged to new positions on the graph. The entire graph can be panned, effectively changing the point of view.

The graph can be zoomed in and out by scrolling the mouse wheel. More details are shown at higher zoom levels. In particular, the badge used with several node types to convey impact information is enriched with the actual impact score.

Campaign sidebar

The sidebar is used to display information that is relative to one or more elements of the blueprint graph. By default it is minimized.

To minimize the sidebar, click the angle right icon.

Node or edge information

The node/edge information tab provides additional information about a selected node or edge in the blueprint graph. To select a node, click on its icon in the graph.

Node type


Analysis report

Additional information about an analysis report.

Report details:

  • Analysis reports Displays the task UUID and score. Click the link icon to view the analysis report in a new browser tab.

  • MD5 File hash value. Click the Intelligence pages icon icon to view the file hash in Intelligence.

  • SHA1 File hash value. Click the Intelligence pages icon icon to view the file hash in Intelligence.

  • Size File size in bytes.

  • Category The category the analyzed file belongs to.

  • Type More detailed information about the file.

Sightings details of the analyzed sample:

  • Number of downloads The number of times the analyzed file was observed being downloaded.

  • Hosts IP address of the hosts that downloaded the analyzed file.

  • URLs The full URL of the downloaded file.

Malicious reputation entry

Additional information about a malicious reputation entry (IP address or domain name).

Entry details:

  • Hostnames List of hostnames observed for this entry.

  • IP addresses List of IP addresses observed for this entry.

  • Threats list of threat detections involving this entry.

  • Contacted ports List of port numbers that were contacted on this entry in sample detonations.

  • Intelligence A link to the knowledge base records for this entry.

Malicious reputation history details

  • Start time Initial time of being listed as malicious.

  • End time Final time of being listed as malicious.

  • Malicious reputation entry The malicious reputation entry.

  • Threat The threat/malware associated with the malicious reputation entry.

  • Confidence The confidence score associated with the malicious reputation entry.

Downloaded file

Additional information about a downloaded file

File details:

  • MD5 File hash value. Click the Intelligence pages icon icon to view the file hash in Intelligence.

  • SHA1 File hash value. Click the Intelligence pages icon icon to view the file hash in Intelligence.

  • Size File size in bytes.

  • Category The category the analyzed file belongs to.

  • Type More detailed information about the file.

Sightings details:

  • Number of downloads The number of times the analyzed file was observed being downloaded.

  • Downloading hosts IP address of the hosts that downloaded the analyzed file.

  • URLs The full URL of the downloaded file.

  • Reports Displays the report status, task UUID, and score. Click the link icon to view the analysis report in a new browser tab.

Email address

Provides the email address.

Email message

Additional information about an email message

Message details:

  • Message ID A globally unique identifier used by the mail server.

  • Sender The sender's email address.

  • Recipient The recipient's email address

Analyzed URLs contained in the message:

  • URL The full URL provided in the message.

  • Host The domain name provided in the message.

  • Analysis Displays the analysis score. Click the link icon to view the analysis report in a new browser tab.

Analyzed attachments contained in the message:

  • Filename The attachment filename.

  • Size The size of the attachment in bytes.

  • MD5 File hash value.

  • SHA1 File hash value.

  • Analysis Displays the analysis score. Click the link icon to view the analysis report in a new browser tab.


Additional information about a host.

Host-level details:

  • IP address Geo-located map or local network icon. Click the Intelligence pages icon icon to view the host in Intelligence.

  • Hostnames Domain name for the host.

  • Services Any services detected on the host.

Incidents involving the host:

  • Number of incidents Count of all incidents.

  • Max impact Indicates the maximum impact of all incidents.

  • Threats A list of the detected events.

A note indicates if the host is internal or external to the monitored network.


Additional information about a domain name that was resolved.

  • Resource The resource that was looked up. Click the Intelligence pages icon icon to view the resource in Intelligence.

  • Resolutions The resolution information returned by the DNS lookup. For example, A indicates an address record and includes the IP address.

HTTP request

Additional information about an HTTP request.

URL details:

  • Download URLs The observed URL(s) in the HTTP request.

  • Download IPs The IP address(es) resolved for the HTTP request. Click the Investigations pages icon icon to view the request IP address in Network analysis.

Request details

  • Number of requests The number of times the HTTP request was observed.

  • Hosts IP address of the hosts issuing the HTTP request.

  • Referers The "referer" header values observed in the HTTP request.

  • User agents User-agent values observed in the HTTP request.


Additional information about a threat

Threat details:

  • Threat class The name of the detected threat class. For example, command&control.

  • Threat The name of the detected threat. For example, Loki Bot.

  • Severity The calculated threat score.

  • Information a description of the detected threat

When you click an edge, the following information is displayed about the connection:

  • Source node The source of the connection. This can be a node name, an IP address, a domain name, etc.

  • Target node The destination of the connection. This can be a node name, an IP address, a domain name, etc.

Under the Source node and Target node is the actual source or target of the connection. Click the plus to expand the source or target.

Third-party tools

The third-party tools tab links to external tools that may provide additional information about an entity selected in the graph. Currently, the tools supported are DomainTools and VirusTotal.

The following searches are supported:

  • Selecting a host node allows you to search for the corresponding IP address on DomainTools and VirusTotal.

  • Selecting a hostname node allows you to search for the corresponding domain name on DomainTools and VirusTotal.

  • Selecting a downloaded file node allows to search for the corresponding hash on VirusTotal.

  • Selecting an HTTP request node allows to search for the request's hostname on DomainTools and VirusTotal.

Campaign hosts

The campaign Hosts tab displays a list of hosts that have been affected by the campaign:

  • Hosts The IP address of the host affected by the campaign. Click the IP address link to view the Host summary sidebar.

    For relevant entries, the value in this field may be Email.

  • Threats A list of the detected threats.

  • Attack stages The attack stages for the activity affecting that specific host that have been observed.

  • Latest activity The time when activity was last detected for that host.

Campaign timeline

On the Threats timeline tab, detected threats are represented by threat cards. A threat card displays the calculated threat score, the threat name and class, the detection outcome (if available), the threat status, and other actions. The host which is connected to this threat is displayed. Expand the card to see its related evidence.

Sort the threat cards with the pull-down menu. Select from Most recent (the default), Earliest, Highest impact, and Lowest impact.

The quick search field above the list provides fast, as-you-type search. It filters the rows in the list, displaying only those rows that have text, in any field, that matches the query string. Your query is matched against values across the following categories: impact, IP address, threat/malware, latest campaign phase, first seen, evidence, other hosts, and, for mail messages, message information.

Toggle the Show closed threats button to filter the displayed threat cards by threat status. The default is to show all threats.

Threat cards

The Threat cards show all the threats associated with the selected campaign and their corresponding threat levels.

Each card displays the calculated threat impact, the threat name, the threat class, and if available, the detection outcome. It also shows the status of the threat: Open or Closed.

Click the Next steps button and select an action from the pull-down menu. Select from Close to close the threat (Open to reopen a closed threat) or Manage alert to create an alert management rule from the threat.

Evidence summary: section contains an overview of the evidence and other data detected for the threat. Click the angle right icon (or almost anywhere else in the card) to expand the evidence details.

Evidence details

The Evidence column displays the file downloads, signatures, and other categories along with a timestamp of when the evidence was seen.

The Network interactions & network IOCs column displays the IP address or domain name of external hosts. Click the link to expand the Network interaction sidebar. Click the Intelligence pages icon icon to view the host in Intelligence.

The Supporting data column provides a link to the detected events, a link to the captured data, and a link to the threat details.

Detection outcomes

Threat detection event outcomes have four possible values, listed in order of severity:

  • Succeeded The threat was verified to have reached its goal. This could be its check-in attempt to the C&C server completed and data was received from the malicious endpoint.

  • Failed The threat failed to reach its goal. This could be caused by the C&C server being offline, the attacker made coding errors, etc.

  • Blocked The threat was blocked by the VMware NSX Network Detection and Response or by a third party application.

If the event outcome is unknown, this field is not displayed.

Campaign history

The campaign History tab displays a descriptive textual history of the campaign. Each entry provides a Notice and a Description of the campaign phases recorded.

Campaign evidence

The Evidence tab displays a list of the evidence detected for the current campaign.

The quick search field above the list provides fast, as-you-type search. It filters the rows in the list, displaying only those rows that have text, in any field, that matches the query string.

Each row is a summary of the evidence for the campaign. Click the plus icon (or anywhere on an entry row) to expand the row to view the Signature evidence.

The evidence list includes the following fields:

IP Address

The IP address of the host that is the source of the threat.

First Seen

Timestamp showing the start time of campaign.

Last Seen

Timestamp showing the most recent activity of the campaign.


Name of the detected security risk.

Threat class

Name of the detected security risk class.


The impact value indicates the critical level of the detected threat and ranges from 1 to 100:

  • Threats that are 70 or above are considered to be critical.

  • Threats that are between 30 and 69 are considered to be medium-risk.

  • Threats that are between 1 and 30 are considered to be benign.

If the stop icon appears, it indicates the artifact has been blocked.


The derived value of the evidence for the campaign. See About evidence for further details.


Additional information from the campaign. This may be an IP address or an HTTP response code, or some other data. If available, click Intelligence pages icon to view the subject in Intelligence pages.


Click the link to access the Network event details page. The link opens in a new browser tab.

Incident ID

A permalink to a correlated incident. The link will open in a new browser tab.

Signature evidence

The Signature evidence is expanded within the evidence list. It displays the following fields:

  • Threat Name of the detected security risk.

  • Threat class Name of the detected security risk class.

  • Impact The impact score of the campaign.

  • Detector If present, displays the VMware NSX Network Detection and Response module that identified the threat. Click the link to view the Detector pop-up.

  • View network event Click the link to access the Network event details page. The link opens in a new browser tab.

  • View Incident A permalink to a correlated incident. The link will open in a new browser tab.

  • First seen Timestamp showing the start time of campaign.

  • Last seen Timestamp showing the most recent activity of the campaign.

  • Severity An estimate of how critical the detected threat is. For example, a connection to a command and control server is typically considered high severity as the connection is potentially damaging.

  • Confidence Indicates the probability that the detected individual threat is indeed malicious. As the system uses advanced heuristics to detect unknown threats, in some cases, the detected threat may have a lower confidence value if the volume of information available for that specific threat is limited.

Campaign incidents

The campaign Incidents tab displays a list of incidents that comprise the campaign. The incidents list shows the registered incidents with their corresponding threat levels.

Each row is a summary of an incident. Click the plus icon (or anywhere on an entry row) to access the incident details.

The list is sorted by Impact and includes the following fields:


The host affected by this incident. This column will display the IP address, host name, or label of the host, depending on the current Display settings pop-up.

Click the search icon to view the Activity for host page, showing details about the host. Click the Investigations pages icon icon to view the Network analysis graph for the host.

Click the sort icon to sort the list by host.


The Sensor that detected the events making up this incident.

Click the sort icon to sort the list by sensor.

Detection events

Number of events that comprise this incident. This is a link displaying an event count and the details icon. Clicking this link loads the Network events page, filtered to show only events for this incident.

Click the sort icon to sort the list by events.


Start time of incident.

Click the sort icon to sort the list by start time.


End time of incident.

Click the sort icon to sort the list by end time.


Name of the detected security risk.

Click the sort icon to sort the list by threat.

Threat class

Name of the detected security risk class.

Click the sort icon to sort the list by threat class.


The impact value indicates the critical level of the detected threat and ranges from 1 to 100:

  • Threats that are 70 or above are considered to be critical.

  • Threats that are between 30 and 69 are considered to be medium-risk.

  • Threats that are between 1 and 30 are considered to be benign.

If the stop icon appears, it indicates the artifact has been blocked.

The list is sorted in decreasing order of impact (most critical incidents at the top). Click the angle up icon to sort the list in increasing order (least incidents threats at the top), then click the angle down icon to toggle back to the default.

Campaign mail

The campaign Mail tab displays a list of email messages containing malicious attachments that comprise the campaign.

The quick search field above the list provides fast, as-you-type search. It filters the rows in the list, displaying only those rows that have text, in any field, that matches the query string.

Use the Select pull-down menu for a fine-tuned selection. Its options allow you to select All visible messages or to Clear selection. You can also click the checkbox icon in the title row to select all visible messages.

Use the Action pull-down menu to update the selected incidents: Update state, Update assignment, Release from quarantine, or Delete from quarantine.


The email list displays all messages detected by all of the sensors. Quarantine actions (release or delete) may take a few seconds to execute as the action needs to be dispatched and executed by the Sensor hosting the specific message. You can monitor progress by refreshing the view or by selecting a specific message.

The system provides feedback about the number of messages selected for the requested action.

Customize the number of rows to be displayed. The default is 20 entries. Use the left arrow (back) and right arrow (forward) icons to navigate through multiple pages.

The columns to be displayed in the list can be customized by clicking the additional content icon.

Each row is a summary of a message. Click the plus icon (or anywhere on an entry row) to access the details. To select a message row, click the checkbox icon.

The list is sorted by Timestamp and includes the following fields:


Indicates when the message was received. The time is shown in the currently selected timezone.

The list is sorted by timestamp, by default in decreasing order (latest attachment at the top). Click the angle up icon to sort the list in increasing order (oldest attachment at the top). Click the angle down icon to toggle to the default.


Name of the sensor that detected the message.


The email address of the sender of the message. This email address may be spoofed.

Click the sort icon to sort the list alphabetically by the sender.


The email address of the recipient of the message.

Click the sort icon to sort the list alphabetically by the recipient.


The provided subject of the message.

Click the sort icon to sort the list alphabetically by the subject.


Lists the number of attachments found in the message. Click the details button to view the Attachments page for details about the attachment.


Lists the number of URLs found in the message. Click the details button to view the URLs page for details about the URLs.


Name of the detected threat in the attachment or URL.

Click the sort icon to sort the list by threat. Initially the list is sorted by decreasing order (most critical at the top).

Threat class

Name of the detected threat class of the attachment or URL.

Click the sort icon to sort the list by threat class. Initially the list is sorted by decreasing order (most critical at the top).

Antivirus class

A label defining the antivirus class of the downloaded file.


A label defining the malware type of the downloaded file. If the label has a tag icon, you can click it for a pop-up description.


The impact value indicates the critical level of the detected threat and ranges from 1 to 100:

  • Threats that are 70 or above are considered to be critical.

  • Threats that are between 30 and 69 are considered to be medium-risk.

  • Threats that are between 1 and 30 are considered to be benign.

If the stop icon appears, it indicates the artifact has been blocked.

Click the sort icon to sort the list by impact.


Indicates the lifecycle status of the analysis of the message.


The username of the analyst currently working on the analysis of the message.