Metrics: Analysis tab

The Metrics: Analysis tab contains a number of widgets that display various statistics about the artifacts that have been processed by the system.

The data displayed in each individual widget can be reloaded by clicking the reload button at the top right corner of the widget. View the widget data in XML/JSON format by clicking the code (source) button. A brief overview of each widget is displayed in a pop-up when you click the help icon.

Use appliance selector widget to select appliances to monitor. Initially no appliances are selected. Click the Appliance: None Selected server link and select one or more appliances from the pop-up. You can also set a Time range and the Time zone.


The Appliances widget displays a legend of the selected appliances with each appliance assigned a unique color. The color is used in the other widgets to indicate the metrics of the applicable appliance. You can hide/show the metrics for a specific appliance by clicking its legend entry.

Submitted artifacts

The Submitted artifacts widget displays submissions of artifacts for analysis over time. It distinguishes between submissions that require a full analysis run and submissions where the analysis results are currently available, so no analysis needs to be run, or are partially available, so only a partial analysis is required.

Submitted artifacts analyzed

The Submitted artifacts analyzed widget displays completion of artifacts submitted for analysis, making analysis results available. It distinguishes between submissions where the analysis results are already available and submissions where a full or partial analysis was required.

Analysis queue: Completion by file type

The Analysis queue: Completion by file type widget displays completed analysis runs by artifact type. A single artifact submitted for analysis may lead to multiple entries in the analysis queue (for example, executables are analyzed in multiple environments, leading to multiple entries in the analysis queue).

Analysis queue: Completion by engine

The Analysis queue: Completion by engine widget displays the number of analysis tasks completed by individual engines.

Analysis queue: Pending tasks

The Analysis queue: Pending tasks widget displays analysis tasks that are currently queued and waiting to be processed. A single artifact submitted for analysis may lead to multiple entries in the analysis queue (for example, executables are analyzed in multiple environments, leading to multiple entries in the analysis queue).

Analysis queue: Tasks pending for over 1 hour

The Analysis queue: Tasks pending for over 1 hour widget displays analysis tasks that are currently queued, waiting to be processed, and have been pending for at least 1 hour. Any entries in this graph may indicate that the analysis service is temporarily overloaded. A single artifact submitted for analysis may lead to multiple entries in the analysis queue (for example, executables are analyzed in multiple environments, leading to multiple entries in the analysis queue).

Analysis load

The Analysis load widget displays the overall analysis load of an installation, as a percentage of the available capacity.

Analysis queue: Tasks pending for over 4 hours

The Analysis queue: Tasks pending for over 4 hours widget displays analysis tasks that are currently queued, waiting to be processed, and have been pending for at least 4 hours. Any entries in this graph may indicate that the analysis service is temporarily overloaded. A single artifact submitted for analysis may lead to multiple entries in the analysis queue (for example, executables are analyzed in multiple environments, leading to multiple entries in the analysis queue).